Working with Digital Buzz Marketing

Our process for building your business with search

I take it you’re here to find the best agency to assist in expanding your business? For this reason, we always offer a video call for our initial consultation, during which we hope to learn more about you and our methods while also determining whether or not we are the best agency to help you reach your objectives.

It’s time to begin our Induction & Research Session when we’ve finished the procedures and obtained access to your web domains. We’ll introduce the team members who will be collaborating directly with you on your PPC and SEO plan at this point. In addition to the introductions, we will probe you extensively to learn more about your business strategy, additional marketing channels, ideal client profile, sign-off procedures, and search marketing objectives. Since this is meant to be an open discussion, we anticipate talking about a lot of fresh concepts as well.

Our SEO and PPC specialists will start reviewing everything you presently have, including your website, Google Ads accounts, reports, and plans made by prior firms. However, in order to develop the most effective plan for success, we’ll pay close attention to your industry’s search environment and competitors in order to produce an extensive audit. Our team will use all of this data and information to create what we like to refer to as our “Blueprints,” which will include a well-thought-out monthly action plan that outlines the strategy for success. This is not a checklist; rather, it’s a written document!

We will start putting our SEO and PPC tactics into practice in accordance with the monthly activities outlined in our roadmap now that our blueprints are in place and everyone is in agreement. We can execute every aspect of SEO and PPC campaigns, including on-site content generation, technical SEO corrections, Google Tag Manager integrations, website construction jobs, link building, and more, because of our expertise in search.

We build up and incorporate precise website performance and conversion tracking into all of our SEO and PPC services so that we can make well-informed decisions throughout the campaign. Additionally, we give you access to a special dashboard that you can use at any time of day to monitor the performance of your website and search engine marketing efforts. We will arrange catch-up meetings once a month to go over the previous month’s performance, provide you with an update on our efforts, and talk about any additional areas that need your feedback.

In order to keep you ahead of the competition we set aside time every 6 months to review your SEO and PPC strategies; keeping a close eye on the results and the search landscape to identify whether our strategy needs to pivot or remain the same in order to reach your goals.

At the end of each roadmap we set out we will review the results and once your goals have been achieved we’ll set out a new roadmap that aims to drive more growth. These growth areas either come from your internal business marketing plans, or oftentimes are a result of new insights that we have gained whilst being close to the ground in your industry.